Saturday, July 31, 2010

Belgium stew lol

Ok so since I was in Belgium for almost one month and I didn't want to bore you with every small detail of everything I did, I'm going to throw different adventures into this one blog and serve you some Belgium stew!

Let us begin with SOLDES (my new favorite French word). Apparently in Belgium the government wants to protect the people from monopolies or something like that so they tell retailers that they can only have 2 sales per year. One of which is in the month of July. My sister took us to the mall and it was like Black friday...the whole mall was on sale! It took everything within me not to spend my backpacking money on clothes and shoes that day. I did allow myself my quota of one pair of Belgium shoes which only cost me 6euro (normally they were around 30 or 40). I just wish I could have bought more but I had to stick to my budget (arent you proud of me??).

Moving on, speaking of stew, lemmie tell you about my eating experiences in Belguim. I did have a few Belgian waffles (called gaufres) and I must admit they were pretty tastey. They aren't served here like they are back home, here they sell them at carts/stands like they would sell churros. Also, they are not topped with butter and syrup but with whipped cream, chocolate or just plain. Another snack that Belgians enjoy are frites (fries) with mayonnaise. I like mayo on my sandwiches but not so much as a ketchup substitute. Speaking of odd, I happened to come across some interesting flavors of chips in my travels. They included Ketchup, Bbq Ham, Pickles and Prawn Cocktail...I wasn't brave enough to try them though.

I finally got to go to Brussels and have an adventure with my nephew. We got lost several times (typical me) and I felt bad for the little guy because he kept complaining that we walked too far. We saw a few of the famous things like the Manniquen Pis (which is this famous statue of a little boy peeing) but we spent most of the time trying to find our way around. It was nice having some one on one time with my nephew and haveing a gaufre together!

Overall, I would say that Belgium is pretty chill; the whole country seemed to have that small village kind of feel, which cobble stone roads and all. It wasn't super exciting but it was nice just to BE in another setting and enjoy a different way of living.

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