Saturday, October 2, 2010


Okay, so I've been here for one month now and am just now blogging
about my first impressions of my new home...very lazy on my part...sorry guys.

Anyway, let's rewind to about a month ago...I was spending time with my family that lives in the south of France and originally I was going to go straight from there to Avila but decided instead to overnight in Barcelona so that I could spend time with my pal Fella! So I left France early in the am and got to Barcelona at about 6:30pm and Fella came to get me at the train station. It was so good to see her! I hadn't seen her since we parted ways in Germany in June!! So I spent that night (and half of the next morning) hanging out with her and her friends. I met some amazing people and had the best time (I'll talk more about my Barcelona adventures in another bloggie) but alas I could only stay the one night so that I could get to my new job and home!

So the next morning I left Barcelona and made my way to Avila, which is a smaller city close to Madrid (which is known for the walled city center). When I got here, I was greeted by my host and the youngest of the three children. Shortly after I got to the house, the other two children came with my host's mother and I was pleasantly surprised that the oldest already spoke English really well! (Part of my job is to help the children learn English)

It just so happened that the annual Medieval Festival was going on that weekend. So not only did I get to see a little bit of Spanish culture but I also got to meet a lot of my hosts' family. I also got to try some traditional Spanish food including Spanish tortilla (which is basically an onion and potato omelet) and paella (which I have to say I was really disappointed in).

Anyway, since then I've pretty much just been getting used to things here. I've gotten into a routine (which includes a lot more free time than I anticipated, but hey I can't complain). I so a lot of walking around the city, some shopping and little bit of picture taking but in general nothing really worth blogging about.

Overall, I have found that typical Spanish life is much like life back home. There definitely aren't bull riders everywhere and flamenco dancers in the streets lol. I am honestly the slightest bit disappointed because I assumed that things here would be all cultural and different. But that's not to say that I'm not enjoying my time here and I'm not learning about the differences there are. I'm really excited to learn Spanish and see more of the country!!

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