Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Family Affair!!

My last two days at the farm were pretty chill. The day after I went on the horses, I went down to the town again to call my sister. On the way to the town I got up the courage to run through the corn field...even though it was just a quick run in and run out(I didn't have enough time to ask God to make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far away from here). Anyway, as I spoke with my sister, I decided to go back up north to her house instead of going to Rome because my brother had leave and was at her house. I had not seen my brother in almost two years (since he left for Japan on orders). So I knew that as soon as I got back to the farm I would have to make plans so that I could get there. I had previously told my brother that I wouldnt be able to make it so I was going to surprise him and just show up.

In the afternoon I had my cooking class in which I learned how to make pasta. When I was in Florence I was going to take a class but saw that they offered it at the farm so decided against it. Looking back I wish I would have taken the one in Florence. Not that I didnt enjoy and learn from the one on the farm, just because I thought it would have involved more. When we went into the kitchen, Maria (the owner of the farm) measured out about a cup of flour and another powder something and put it in a little pile in front of each of us students. She then gave us an egg and instructed us to crack it into the pile and mix them together with our fingers and add flour as needed. We then kneaded the dough for a while (she said, the more the better). Next we rolled it out into a circle that was really thin and then she had us cut the strips. That was pretty much it for the pasta and then we made a really simple sauce for it and the class was over after sharing some lemoncello. (The other class I would have taken would have had 3 courses and then dessert). It was a really good experience and now I know how to make pasta!

The following day I didnt feel well at all so I just took it easy and read a book most of the day. In the afternoon some of the guests were going to a nearby lake so I decided to go along with them. It was pretty relaxing and we went on a paddle boat around the lake for a half hour. The rest of that day I just chilled out and got to know some people that were guests at the farm as well.

My last day at the farm I woke up early and had breakfast and then I had to get ready to head up north. It took me 2 days, 1 bus, and 4 trains later I arrived in Mons. The good thing for me was that I had a long enough stop-over in Rome that I could take my shoe picture next to the Colosseum.

I was probably more excited to get to my sisters house than I was to see anything else on the trip. And when I walked upstairs and into my brother's room, he looked at me with surprise and happiness and at that moment it was all worth it!

I have spent the last three days at my sister's house with my brother and uncle and it has been really fun going down memory lane and just being the three of us again. It seems like we had been around each other the whole time because we interact with each other the same as we always have. My brother is still his tough, annoying yet sweet self. My sister is still her corny and emotional big sister-trying-to-be self. And I am still my know-it-all, silly, relaxed self. Its just really cool to be together again. Aaaaaannnnnd, starting tomorrow, I will be on my other leg of my adventure in which I will get to meet a whole other side of my family and have more laughs and good times!


  1. Bein with family is always nice. I'm lookin forward to the collage of the feet shots.

  2. hahaha I have a few more countries to get shoes from...at some point in the next few months i want to go to morocco and hopefully get some hand-made cooler than cool moroccan shoes :)
