Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ciao Bella!

So what exactly do you do in paradise? I suppose you lay down and listen to the water crashing against the shore while getting tan...well thats what I did for those four amazing days in Lago di Garda.

When I got to Milan a few nights ago it was already late (about 10pm when I left the train station) so I was going to head straight to the hostel I wanted to stay in. Only the directions given were very vague so I ended up in a different part of Milan. So even though, I'm already on a VERY tight budget and even though overnighting in Milan already was going to cost me more than I budgeted for, I took a 17.90euro cab to get to the hostel (that could have been like 20 bagettes). Once I got there, the owner was very nice and thankfully he had a bed available!

The next morning I was back on track, heading to Lake Garda! I had to take a bus from Verona to Riva del Garda (the town at the northern most part of the lake) and the view was amazing from the bus. The town did not disappoint either. It is surrounded my mountains and had tons of little Italian looking buildings all along the shore.

I spent 3 of the 4 days pretty much just looking at the shops and hanging out by the river. I was really excited because I got the most amazing tan and my legs actually matched the color of my face and arms!!! I also got to swim in the lake which was a little bit scary but refreshing. The only problem was that the bottom was little rocks instead of sand like Im used to so my feet took a little time to get used to it.

The other day I spent hiking. I did one hike to an old fort called Bastione and then I walked across the town and hiked up one of the mountains on the side of the town. The views from up there were breath-taking and I tried to capture it on camera but just didnt do it justice. I wish I could bottle up Riva del Garda and bring some of it back home...oh well.

Because I had to overnight in Milan, I had to sacrifice taking a wind-surfing lesson on the lake which I really wanted to do. For those of you who dont know, it's when you stand on a surf board that has a sail and you basically use the wind to move across the water. Next time I am there, I will for sure go!

Speaking of things I promise I will do while in Riva, I saw the most courageous woman ever. Ok so on my last night there I went out by the shore and just sat there thinking and soaking it all in. And while I was sitting there this couple walked up and I just figured they were walking on the beach. When I looked up I saw that the woman (who by the way was at least late 60s/early 70s and about 50ish lbs bigger than me) had taken off her dress and was in her underwear walking toward the water. Now mind you, the water is about 60/65degrees in the middle of the day and this was about 10pm. She sure enough got in and stayed for a while then got back out put on her dress and she and her (Im guessing) husband walked away. I mean I know the water wasnt freezing but it was definately really cold. So, the next time Im in Riva I will take a midnight swim in the river in only my skivies (i think thats how you spell it lol).

After those wonderful days I made my way to Florence which is where I am now. On the way I passed through Bologna...hahhahahahaha thats bolony...I know....get it? *crickets* Anyway, I havent done much here yet but I think there is a small day trip in my future. We'll see!

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