Thursday, June 24, 2010

Getting Here...Dorthy, I dont think we're in Kansas anymore

Ok, so lets begin on Tuesday night when Pops dropped me off at Fell's (aka Kirstin's) house. As he left he gave me some last advice: "Be safe, and watch your drink". Lol thanks Pop, I will.

Fastforward to Wednesday...we were dropped off at the San Fransisco airport with all 100 of our bags in tote. when we got up to the counter i wastold that my backpack was too heavy to be a carryon so i had to pay an extra $150 to check it...ouch! Security actually wasn't that bad :). I didnt get internet in the airport and my phone shut off earlier in the morning so I lost contact with everyone until I got to Belguim. Sorry if I worried any of you guys!.

When we got on the plane, I took a few nighttime cold pills with the hopes that I would sleep all 11 hours and shake the rest of the cold I had the past few days. Wrong answer! Instead, I slept a few hours and then after I ate dinner, I felt sick the rest of the way. Let's just say I made several trips to the restroom and used a few of those nifty bags they have in the front of the seats. By the time we got to Germany, I had a fever, I was congested and nauseous AND I had about 150lbs of luggage to haul in 80 deg weather. And to make it worse, I saw some of the cutest shoes in the station but couldnt go into the store to buy them because I had all of my stuff.

I wish I could have seen more of Germany but by the time I got on the train I was sick, sweaty and tired so the view from the window was enough for me lol. After 2 connecting trains and about 2 hour delay, I finally got to Mons (my sister's town) where Carlos met me. I hadnt spoken to anyone since leaving the US so I was surprised that he was there inside of the station waiting. I have never been so happy to see Carlos in my life!

After dropping off my bags, and picking up Antonio and Isaiah, I went to the hospital to see my sister and baby Josias! He was so cute but Auntie wasnt feeling well so I didnt hold him. When we got back to my sister's house I had a bite to eat, some Theraflu to drink and was off to bed for the first time in about 26 hours I think.

This was the longest, most miserable day but the good thing is I made it here safe and sound and now it can only get better!

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